It may have seemed like you already had enough tees in your drawer, but you'll change your mind when you see the wide variety of Tau Kappa Epsilon T-Shirts we have for sale here at Greek Gear.
Get a shirt that tells the world all about your brotherly bond. Check out Screen Printed T-Shirt Design #6, which includes the fraternity's 1899 founding year, equilateral triangles and motto (Not for Wealth, Rank or Honor). It's a rush tee, so potential interests will get a good idea of what TKE means for you and your fellow members. Design #9 displays your Greek letters more prominently, right at the center in bright red. The background also contains important info about the fraternity.
You might feel a little bit like a rock star when wearing Design #7. Its Old English font and elaborately decorative motif gives it the funky appeal of a shirt a band might wear on a road trip. This design would make a good pick for the chapter's official white tee.
Though we have more than enough screen printed Tau Kappa Epsilon T-Shirt designs available for your shopping pleasure, you can design your own using Greek Gear's browser-based tool. Be sure to also see our twill lettered shirt collection for TKE members.