Welcome to Greek Gear - the premiere destination for Phi Delta Theta merch and apparel. Phi Delta Theta was founded in 1848 at Miami University and holds the distinction of being North America's longest-existing social fraternity. It is also widely regarded as a French Honor Society, paying homage to its three Latin mottoes: “friendship, sound learning and rectitude” or "In Hoc Signo Vinces," meaning 'in this sign, you shall conquer'. Today, there are 191 active chapters of Phi Delta Theta, with alumni members from all over the world, with 277,000 individuals inducted into the ranks since the organization's founding.
Show your Phi Delta Theta pride with quality-made and meaningful Phi Delta Theta merchandise from the official Phi Delta Theta store at Greek Gear. When you shop with us, you'll get access to an exclusive selection of apparel and accessories. Shop for items like comfortable shirts with bold graphics, baseball caps that proudly display custom embroidery, luggage, duffel bags, backpacks, totes, phone cases and much more.
At Greek Gear, we make it easy for members of your chapter to get started with customization using our handy online editor. We also offer group ordering discounts, making sure everyone can get in on special savings including offering early bird deals on popular commemorative items like graduation stoles. Enjoy timeless style and fashionable accessories by shopping our large selection of Phi Delta Theta apparel and accessories at Greek Gear.
Phi Delta Theta FAQs:
- What year was Phi Delta Theta founded? Phi Delta Theta was founded on December 26, 1848 at the campus of Miami University in Oxford, OH.
- What are Phi Delta Theta's colors? The official colors of Phi Delta Theta are azure and argent.
- What is Phi Delta Theta's symbol? The fraternity does not have an official symbol, but uses the white carnation as its flower. Likewise, groups of three white stars appear on both the crest and flag.
- What are the most popular Phi Delta Thetas? With such a long history, it's no wonder that some of Phi Delta Theta's members have gone on to greatness. Some notable members include NASA astronaut Jon McBride, KFC co-founder John Y. Brown Jr., former Nabisco CEO F. Ross Johnson and actor Burt Reynolds.