A coffee in the morning, OJ at noon and hot chamomile tea at night before bed. If that sounds like your routine we have a special cup for each time of day in our Alpha Gamma Delta Drinkware and Glassware section.
If you and your sorors like to camp out a lot, buy a few Monogram KONG Vacuum Insulated Tumblers along for each trip. Why? Because it's designed to keep cold drinks cool for around 36 hours. That's over a day of icy iced tea and frosty fruit juice when you're out and about. When it's time to brew up a pot of coffee over the fire in the morning, the KONG cup will keep it hot for over 2 hours.
The Tervis Tumbler is easy to wash and makes every sip of your chosen beverage more satisfying. It's clear so that you can see how much you have left in your cup, and has a circular Alpha Gam emblem on the front. There's a matching portable water bottle that you can bring along for your bike rides around campus.
If you're going to invest in specialty cups and glasses this year, make them Alpha Gamma Delta Drinkware and Glassware from Greek Gear. We have even more choices available under the "Shop Now" link.