When was the last time you re-upped on fraternity tees? There's no time like the present -- load up on Chi Phi T-Shirts designed just for you and your fellow chapter brothers today. If you find yourself putting on the same worn-out T-shirt just about every day of the week, it's probably time to invest in some new ones from this section. You can stock up on the cheap, big time -- for instance, the Crest Tee is on sale for just $9.95. For around 50 bucks you can get a different shirt for all five days of the week. Then there's the happy Whale Flag T-Shirt, which is ideal to wear while promoting during rush week. It's a whale of a deal for about $10 per shirt. There is a nice assortment of custom screen printed tees for sale on this page, like the Bar Tee, which gets its name due to the bar that separates your Greek letters and name. Athletic types will love the Chi Phi Prop Tee, which is imprinted with the saying "Property of Chi Phi XXL Athletics." Another sporty choice is the Tail Tee, which resembles what you might see on a classic baseball cap. We have enough Chi Phi T-Shirts to give you something new and different to wear every day you go to class this semester. Place your order today!