Your desk is a sort of sanctuary where you can go to focus, relax and get some much needed work done. Decorate it with inspiring Delta Chi Desk and Office Items from Greek Gear.
One of our most in-demand office items is the beautiful walnut wood Keepsake Box, which is about as big as a 5 x 7 photograph. It's a nice place to hold small pens, pieces of jewelry and your keys. It's a must for any Delta Chi guy who likes to keep his desk professional and well organized. The Wooden Pen Set is a nice addition as well -- you can reserve it for those special occasions when you're signing a contract or important paperwork.
When you order a new set of business cards, they're not going to do any good inside of a box. Keep them inside of a Business Card Holder with your letters on the front. The holder we sell has a colored stripe across the middle (red is a popular choice for D-Chi members). Bring it along with you to networking affairs and job fairs to make a professional presentation to interested parties.
Every day you wake up and sit down at your desk to get to work, these Delta Chi Desk and Office Items will remind you of your fraternity's principles and purpose. Personalize something special today.