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Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Desk & Office Items

You want something on your desk at school that will inspire you to greatness. Buy alpha Kappa Delta Phi Desk and Office Items personalized with motivational messages. Browse this section of Greek Gear for a few ideas.

You probably sit at your desk for 5 or more hours every day -- especially around finals week. Why not look at a beautiful photo of yourself with your closest sorority sisters every day? You can put one in the aKDPhi Treasure Box. Below your photo, add a bit of inspiring text, like "Timeless Friendship" along with the date that you all became members. It's sure to bring a smile to your face every day you sit down to work.

In a world that often seems black and white, add a splash of wonderful color to your desk by ordering a Hard Mousepad. It's a gorgeous and majestic shade of purple with a full color replication of your sorority crest at the center. It's the perfect excuse to buy an ergonomic mouse to go with your laptop.

After you pick out your alpha Kappa Delta Phi Desk and Office Items, head on over to the "Gifts and Merchandise" section for more irresistible paraphernalia choices.