You can rest assured that you've found the web's best selection of Alpha Phi Jackets and Outerwear now that you're at . We've cherry picked an assortment of jacket styles that you'll definitely want to check out.
The most exciting part of membership is going out on the town with your sorority sisters wearing your para as a united group. Pick a day for you and the girls to go to campus all wearing your Alpha Phi Anorak. It features an image of your crest with a sorority banner stretched across the top. When you all buy it in Bordeaux (maroon) everyone on campus will know which organization you represent. Not to mention, there is a pretty attractive quantity discount on this item.
The Fleece Jacket is that everyday jacket you pull on when you're running out of the house in a hurry. It has a full zipper and two zippered pockets to hold your cellphone, keys and wallet -- no need for a purse and bag. Color choices include maroon and dark grey -- you also pick the thread color for your monogrammed Greek letters.
Order Alpha Phi Jackets and Outerwear today so that you'll be ready for the autumn and winter seasons to come. Join the Greek Gear email list to be notified of deals we have on jackets and other sorority merchandise.