You'll have even more of an appreciation for sports when you buy Alpha Phi Sportswear from Greek Gear. The items here include jerseys, running shorts, softball shirts and more.
Grab your workout bag and tennis shoes and head to the gym wearing a pair of Banner Capris and an oversized Game Day Billboard Jersey. The sorority name and establishment year of 1872 stretches across the back like you're about to play a game of football. Wear it over a tank top or your favorite t-shirt.
The next time that you and your sisters agree to participate in a Greek sports competition, come here for matching Lettered Raglan Shirts. They have a light colored body (usually white or grey) and dark colored sleeves. Choose the team colors that you want, whether it's white with maroon sleeves or gray with black sleeves. Need your team shirts in a hurry? Select the production time under the "How Fast Do You Need It" drop down box.
The notorious "freshman 15" will soon be a distant memory when you start the semester off with new Alpha Phi Sportswear and a workout schedule. You stay committed to your physical fitness and we'll stay committed to keeping you geared up with quality sorority merchandise!