After you buy your first car in college, all that you need after that is a few decorative elements to make it all yours. If you're a woman of Alpha Phi, we sell Car Merchandise and License Plate Frames for members of your well-respected and well-known sisterhood.
Owning a car isn't a prerequisite if you want to buy a Monogram License Plate. It's a fun and eye-catching rectangular cover that can be used inside of your chapter house or apartment as decor. There's a Bordeaux-colored emblem at the center that frames your Greek letters, and a patterned background with silver accents.
If you do have a car, we offer two different types of Car Mats for Alpha Phi members. One mat is bright white and features your circular sorority seal. It contains your 1872 founding year with an image of an Ivy leaf at the center. Your name can be imprinted at the bottom in an attractive script font. The other mat has a more elaborate design, including a zig-zag pattern that fades upward.
Let your car be yet another way that you express your Alpha Phi pride when you decorate it with Car Merchandise and License Plate Frames from . Click the "Shop Now" link for more options.