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Alpha Sigma Tau Stationery, Pens & Pencils

Record all of your best ideas and important information on Alpha Sigma Tau Stationery with Pens and Pencils from Greek Gear. Some items are perfect for hanging up on a wall or door, while others can be ported around everywhere you go.

Before you go buy a boring pad of lined paper at your local pharmacy, check out the AST Mascot Notepad. The lines are vertical instead of horizontal and there's an image of an anchor at the bottom. Another must-have is the Chevron Notepad -- it's the ideal pad of paper to use when you're having a brainstorming session in your dorm room, or writing a note to your roomie.

Write your sorority college life story in a Patch Portfolio with a Retractable Stylus Pen. You can keep adding new pads of paper as needed. If you prefer, use a pencil instead -- more stationery choices are available when you click the "Shop Now" link.

Place a Greek Gear order today so that your Alpha Sigma Tau Stationery, Pens and Pencils will be waiting for you when you arrive back at school. Check our main menu for other merchandise you may need, like sorority pajamas, home goods and buttons for your events.