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Alpha Xi Delta Buttons, Pins & Magnets

There are dozens of categories of small Greek gifts for Alpha Xi Delta members here at Greek Gear, including Buttons, Pins and Magnets. We have a lovely assortment of them for you to choose from in shades of light blue, navy blue and gold.

Wear the navy blue Heart Shaped Button right at the heart of your shirt when you're hosting exciting rush week events for interests. It's imprinted with your sorority name in a diagonal pattern and attractive serifed font. There's another heart-shaped designed in the A Xi D Button Set -- this one has a blue floral background and a golden image of BetXi Bear.

The Flag Shaped Button is a nice choice if you're going to a business casual sorority event and plan to wear a blazer or button up oxford with a shirt pocket. It has three panels containing all three of your sorority colors. If you're looking for a button that would like nice with a pretty summer dress, try the Chevron Script Button. It has a light background and features your sorority name in a flowery font.

After you have your Buttons, Pins and Magnets, see more Alpha Xi Delta gear on the main menu. We also have bid day items (cups, pens, stickers and more).