It doesn't even matter if you don't have a car yet. Invest in Kappa Alpha Theta Car Merchandise today in anticipation of getting your very first vehicle after high school.
Take about as much care in choosing your sorority car merchandise as you would when picking out a car. You want something that's the right color that reflects your personality. If you're a fun girl who needs bright colors, get the Monogram License Plate. The one we sell for Thetas is made with a golden yellow chevron print that looks like sunshine. If you want to identify your sorority affiliation in a business-like manner, put a Chrome Car Emblem on your bumper instead.
If you don't drive yet, get the Chrome License Plate Frame as a source of motivation to hang in your dorm room for now. When the time comes, you can take it down and put it on your brand new automobile. If you prefer, you can personalize the "New Design" frame with a special phrase, like "Leading Woman."
After you buy your own, consider giving the gift of Kappa Alpha Theta Car Merchandise to a friend. Think of another member you know who owns a vehicle at school or an alumna you love who helped you join the sorority.