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Phi Kappa Psi Signs & Flags

One of the items that will get passed down through the chapter is your official chapter flag or sign. We have Phi Kappa Psi Signs, Flags and Banners that you can hang high on the wall at your chapter house or tote around to your events on and off campus.
Get unique chapter signs for each type of event you have planned for the school year, from informationals to big parties at campus halls. The 3 x 5 Flag is good sign to roll up and bring with you to events and gatherings -- it's green with bright red letters and a red border. You can add up to two lines of text, such as the chapter name and establishment year.
You can also create a custom sign that includes elements of your fraternity motto, like "We live and we flourish" or "United by Friendship" along with your fraternal crest and letters. The Vinyl Banner is a nice choice if that's what you want on your sign -- you can again enter two lines of text to appear below your letters and to the right of your fraternal crest.
It's easy to get the signage and promotional items you need for your fraternity when you shop Greek Gear. In addition to Phi Kappa Psi Signs, Flags and Banners, we also sell Spirit Items and Rush and Recruitment merchandise.