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Top Selling Phi Kappa Psi Items

Top Selling Phi Kappa Psi Items

When you visit Greek Gear, we want you to pull up a chair, get comfortable and enjoy your shopping experience. To help you find what you're looking for, whether it will be a gift or a treat for yourself, we've organized a listing of our Top Selling Phi Kappa Psi Items.
Much like trending topics on social media, this section publishes our most popular trending fraternity items for Phi Kappa Psis. For instance, the Rugby Shirt trends year after year. It's striped (choose between forest green and white, red and white or neutral grey and black) and features an image of your organization's crest logo.
Another top selling product is the $40 Lettered Hooded Sweatshirt, which is a thick, warm frat hoodie embossed with your Greek letters in red. The default shirt color is white, but you can choose other shades for a few bucks more, like red or forest green. Our Jewelry Lavalieres are popular because they are often given as gifts from fraternity guys to their sweethearts.
Take your time browsing through our Top Selling Items for Phi Kappa Psi members. You or your recipient will be excited to receive your package of Greek gear in the mail and impressed with the quality!