Shop this section and before you know it, you'll have the most diverse collection of Phi Sigma Phi T-Shirts in your chapter. All you have to do is play around with the apparel and imprint color options to create different shirt styles.
Being a Greek on a college campus is a refreshing and educational experience. You not only learn how to handle the business of your chapter -- you also learn how to successfully communicate with others and promote your fraternity. One way to raise your fraternity's profile on campus is to wear paraphernalia as much as possible.
If you're going to buy a t-shirt, get one that combines your organization's symbols, letters and colors in one design. That's what you have when you have the Phi Sigma Phi Nation T-Shirt. This "clean" white tee includes the fraternity name along with an image of the knight and triangle symbol from your crest. You can also buy a lettered white tee that is screen printed with a lightened image of the full crest in the background.
Now that you know about our selection of Phi Sigma Phi T-Shirts you don't ever have to buy the same t-shirt again. Diversify your wardrobe with Greek Gear's selection screen printed and twill lettered t-shirts.