Your personal items will be even more personal to you when you have Pi Lambda Phi Stickers & Decals on them. We have everything from oval-shaped decals to stickers that are shaped like pennant flags in various sizes.
Get two Greek Letter Window Sticker Decals and place them on your passenger and driver side windows. They are made of vinyl and go on the outside of glass. Step things up a bit by ordering the Pi Lambda Phi American Flag Greek Letter sticker, which is red, white, and blue, with stars and stripes.
For a more colorful sticker that will be more noticeable, get the Big Greek Letter Window Sticker Decal in the color you want. It's available in sizes up to 20 inches! The Pennant Decal is 4 inches wide and can be applied to your car's bumper, the side of your boat, or a recreational vehicle. As you keep browsing through the various products, you'll see that bulk pricing applies in some cases, so everyone in your chapter can get one or a few.
So, order enough Pi Lambda Phi stickers and decals for everyone in your chapter -- especially if you have recruitment activities in your near future. Be on the lookout for quantity discounts on each item to save some cash while getting the best bang for your chapter's bucks.