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Clean up on great deals at Greek Gear for your whole sorority group including these Sigma Alpha Iota Formal and Party Favors. You deserve to have the very best for your upcoming event.
When your guests arrive at your formal event, have a welcome card and Design Your Own 14 oz Collectors Glass already waiting at the table for them. When you see the "buy in bulk and save" rates for this glass, you'll see that it's an affordable buy if you're expecting a large group. When you distribute pretty gifts like this people remember it and they definitely remember the occasion.
When you design your formal favors, make sure that you remember to add a special thank you message or message of greeting. For instance, if you're giving out Design Your Own T-Shirts, type in "thank you for your support" or a similar phrase on the back. You can also add an encouraging sorority-related message, like "Encouraging, nurturing and supporting the art of music since 1903."
If you want a simple way to promote your organization at your next event, buy Sigma Alpha Iota Formal and Party Favors. From sorority tote bags to fancy glassware, we've got what you need right here at our online store.