One thing is for sure -- when you're in college you'll probably write more than you ever have before. Make sure you have plenty of Sigma Alpha Stationery, Pens and Pencils on hand to get your thoughts down on paper.
If you're going to buy stationery, let it be pretty, unique stationery that is decorated with your sorority colors and symbols. The Chevron Notepad is a cute square pad that's nice for writing quick letters home to your parents or to your boyfriend. The long version of this notepad is good for taking down lists for grocery shopping and planning out the garden at your chapter house.
Communication with your roommate in college is key. Write her small notes from the Chevron Sticky Note Memo Cube and stick them on her headboard. The side of cube can be imprinted with a message, such as "How Does Your Garden Grow" or "Excelling in Agriculture." Keep the Retractable Stylus Sorority Pen right next to your memo cube so that you won't ever have to go looking for one.
Beautify your entire work area while making it more practical with green and gold Sigma Alpha Stationery, Pens and Pencils. Navigate to the "Shop Now" link and you'll see some of our newest items for sorority groups.