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We've made a commitment to serving our fraternity and sorority customers with high end, yet reasonably priced Greek gear and gifts. Our Tau Beta Sigma Paddles are no exception to the rule! Take a quick browse through the paddles up for sale at for a preview of the quality of goods we offer.
Do you have a special nickname given by your fellow members? A saying that is an inside joke? Have it etched at the top of the Deluxe Paddle. Though the photo depicts your semester and year near the handle, you can have it engraved with another short phrase. There are three other boxes available for you to add text to the deluxe paddle, with guidance on what you can include.
For some of our paddles, you can choose different wood styles including walnut and cherry. It depends on the shades you prefer. Check out your bedroom or dorm to decide if a light, cherry-colored, or dark wood paddle would look best on the walls or hanging from the end of your bed. We also have a "Design Your Own" Custom Paddles tool that offers you more freedom to create a special souvenir.
For a sorority gift that will really make an impact and likely end up being featured front and center in her dorm room or locker, give her a Tau Beta Sigma paddle. It has sentimental value and looks great, yet it's still a very affordable Greek gift.