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Not everyone gets to enjoy the privilege of being a member of your organization. Celebrate your exclusive status by ordering yourself personalized specialty paraphernalia, like Theta Tau Paddles. Greek Gear has a few cool paddles in stock that members will be proud to own.
Greek paddles are most commonly presented from little to big, or vice versa. It's a Greek tradition -- a way to show thanks and let your fellow member know how much you value your new relationship. Most fraternal bonds are as durable and lasting as a nice piece of wood. Decades after graduating, you'll look back at the paddle you received and remember those connections you made as an undergrad.
Some members try to create their own paddles by hand, but that can get expensive and not everyone has a knack for engraving wood by hand! Save yourself some time and aggravation by simply ordering the Old School Wood Greek Paddle and telling us what you want engraved on the front and back. The Deluxe Paddle also comes with a few free lines to add personalized text.
In addition to Theta Tau Paddles, we also sell graduation and alumni merchandise for senior members. Our assortment of gifts grows and gets better with time -- buy something nice today and keep us bookmarked for additions to the Greek Gear catalog.