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10 Sorority Rush Do's and Don'ts

Sep 11th 2023

Sorority Recruitment Tips

Look, we know that it's hard to know what to expect rushing a sorority. We totally understand what you're going through because we've been there. That's why we're here to give you tips on the dos and don'ts of sorority recruitment. Read on to find out our best sorority rush tips so you're completely prepared and ready to get into the sorority of your dreams.

Do: Get Lots of Sleep

This is good advice for anything in life, but getting lots of sleep is one of our best tips for rushing. When you get a great night's sleep it benefits your mood, overall demeanor, skin and brain clarity. Not to mention so many other benefits that will help you make it through rush. When you're tired, you won't put your best foot forward and your potential new sorority won't have a chance to get to know the real you. Being well-rested makes the super-long days much more bearable and enjoyable for everyone.

Don't: Only Make Small Talk

Read up on some conversation tips so that you're not stuck when the time comes to chat with some potential sisters. It won't be a great conversation if you're only talking about surface-level stuff. Some of the best topics you can choose during rush center around family, hobbies, and causes that you're passionate about. You can also find common ground by discussing favorite TV shows or movies that you have in common. Have some topics in your mind to bring out if the conversation goes stale.

Read More: What Questions to Ask During Rush and Recruitment?

Do: Get to Know Your Rush Counselor (Rho Chi)

Your rush leader is there to help you, give you tips for sorority recruitment, and answer any recruitment questions you have. And who knows, you may find out she is one of your sisters when rush is over! She knows a thing or two about sorority rush, having done it at least twice (once as a freshman, and then this go-around). Listen to her guidance and ask her advice if you are having trouble. That's what she's there for!

Don't: Worry About Being Overdressed

Sororities are looking for the classiest ladies to join their squad. This means that unless you're wearing inappropriate heels (you know the ones), it will be hard to overdo it. My mom always taught me: It's better to be overdressed than under-dressed. You want to be taken seriously, but you're networking with your potential sisters, so dress nicely, and if you are unsure, ask your Rho Chi or just dress on the nicer side.

Do: Bring Flip Flops

This one sounds weird, but make sure you bring flip-flops! You will be going to multiple houses throughout the days of sorority recruitment, so this usually means WALKING to multiple houses. In heels. In the heat. Not fun. A MAJOR pro tip is to bring flip-flops in your bag for in-between houses. Your feet will thank you and your potential sisters will take note of how prepared you are.

Don't: Take It Personally

Listen: Isn't it better to find your tribe rather than have everyone like you? This means that not every house is going to want you. Want to know something? That's okay. If a chapter doesn't ask you back the next day, it just wasn't meant to be. Don't take it personally - you will find your group of girls at the house you're meant to join. That's why sorority rush exists: to help girls find what they want in a house, as well as to help houses find sisters that complement them. It is a mutually beneficial relationship, so keep that in mind. You wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a person who you didn't like, right?

Do: Be on Your A-game

Eat healthy in the days leading up to sorority rush, come prepared, practice good conversation, etc. These are all super-helpful tips to help you stay on your A-game! I know that before a big event is when I get the most nervous, so trying to be prepared for whatever will be thrown at me always helps me a lot. If you're nervous about sorority recruitment, just try to think about all of the things that could go right instead of things that could go wrong. You're going to meet some really awesome girls who could potentially be your best friends in the future. Plus, Bid Day is the most fun day of the year, so look forward to all the cute Greek clothing you'll get and the fun activities you'll get to do.

Don't: Party During Recruitment

You're in college and the last thing you want to hear is that you can't party, but know that partying during recruitment could hurt your chances of getting a bid. Don't do something you may regret later because of peer pressure to go out. There are strict rules against partying during sorority rush and these rules are taken very seriously. Even the girls in Panhellenic can't go out, so you all have something in common that week. Trust us - there will be so many nights that you will be able to go out with your girlfriends. Don't let the FOMO get the best of you! You've been warned.

Do: Hydrate, Eat, and Bring Reinforcements

This may or may not be the most important tip of the day. The chapter houses will provide both snacks and water (sometimes other beverages, like lemonade) during rush week. Don't be afraid to partake! Even if you feel it will interrupt your conversations, the girls know that you need to stay hydrated and that you are probably hungry AF. Why? Because they are too. Recruitment week is a special kind of week, where no sleep runs rampant and there's barely time to both feed yourself and look pretty. This is super important if you want to be on your A-game. Take a quick snack break and your body will thank you for it. So, what do we mean by reinforcements? Well, it's hotter than heck outside, you're walking all day and you just want your bed. Bring touch-up makeup essentials to help you feel your best, and maybe some blotting sheets. And as was mentioned above, bring those flip-flops!

Don't: Worry About Being Judged

Like we said before, whatever's meant to happen with sorority rush will happen. You will find your place and your best friends in college, no matter what house you're in! So, if you're worried about what the girls will think of you when you're going through rush or answering sorority interview questions, just know that all of these girls have been through it already. They know how it feels, they understand the nerves and they know what's like to just want to find your place on campus. Just go into the week with this mindset: "I am going to be myself, have great conversations, and try to connect with all of these girls." Don't try to force conversations either, as they will come naturally!

With that, we wish you the best of luck with fall sorority recruitment! Keep these rush tips in mind while you visit sorority houses, go through rush, and find your tribe on campus. With any luck, you'll find the perfect fit for your next four years.

Read More: Navigating the Recruitment Process: Tips for Potential New Members